Sunday, November 14, 2010

Growing Pains at 29?

Verbalizing hidden emotions can be painful.  As I speak with a trusted friend about my recent betrayal, my heart begins to ache.  It's easy to have a good day and feel confident and strong.  But in moments of weakness and truth, I still get sad.  As a teen I remember being told to guard my heart.  Until now; I thought I understood what that meant.  It's easy to give your heart away to a nice boy; even easier to think that this nice boy really means what he says and says what he means.  But as a 29 year old woman; I should have gave it more time.  Although we'd been friends for a while; we had only been dating for a month.  I let my feelings take complete control.  I've gone out with guys, dated guys, had guy friends, but never brought a guy that I was dating home to meet my family.  He was my friend first; that is what hurts most.  The age-old sayings hold some truth.  There still are plenty of fish in the sea; and time usually does heal all wounds, but there are times I truly wish I could turn back time and delete the experience I had with this prick.  I'm smarter than that.  Se' la vi.  Lesson learned. I am looking forward to a great week and weekend.  My beautiful Tia Leida will be getting married in Las Vegas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can the cure for a break-up be Las Vegas?  Maybe.


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